Spielwaremesse 2015

For our client Zoelibat me and my team designed multiple bodypaints to present at the Spielwarenmesse 2015. Each day we painted one or two girls, to finish the designs we used clothes from the Zoelibat line and contacts from Eyecatcher: the sister company from Zoelibat.

Especially for the scelera's there was a lot of attention. People who are interested in those can contact me.

This fair, located in Germany, is really big and almost not possible to do and see completely. Even in the three days me and my team was there, we basically saw our own hall.

Doing a bodypaint on a fair means that you get a lot of attention. Attention is always interesting when you need to sell your products.

Walking around the fair with bodypainting girls, everybody want to take their picture. Offcourse everybody get a flyer of the client as well. For this client it definitively payed off, he went home with a few new clients.

But most importantly: we had fun, see you next year!

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